Connecting Small Business with Big Business

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My Services 

Insurance Solutions

Trite Solutions LLC affords small business's the ability to take on larger construction jobs without having to worry about the high insurance premiums they would have to pay in order to meet large company master service agreements. 

Billing & Invoicing Solutions

Trite Solutions LLC knows that for many small business's quick and timely turn around on payments can often be the difference in a sucessful small business and one that goes under. Which is why we handle all invoicing and billing. We also offer multiple payment options so if money is needed sooner rather than later the business doesn't suffer because of NET 30 or longer payment terms. 

Consulting Solutions

Staffing companies notoriously upcharge the customer to increase their bottom line, with no benifit to the one doing the work. At Trite Solutions LLC we look to ensure that those that put in virtually all the work, receive virtually all of the benefit. 


My story

I learned growing up that "it takes money to make money." That never meshed well with my idea of what the American Dream should be. Trite Solutions is the answer to that old adage. We help create the space for small business to do big business. 

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